Some folks think of insects or bugs as they hear the term “pests,” while other people imagine rats, mice, squirrels, or raccoons. Therefore, what is pest control? “Pests” comprise of any rodent, insect, or wildlife which is considered unwanted because it either invades people’s businesses or homes and causes damage or heightens the risk of communicating an illness or disease. Therefore, pest control is the procedure of managing (by the use of repellents or deterrents) or extracting pests from the place of business or house.

Controlling or managing pests may be accomplished with a variety of techniques. Killing them often is done (using the professional services of exterminators or DIY), but there are techniques of humane pest control available, as well. They involve the use of sound to repel or deter pests, as well as making changes around your property to prevent them from getting in. Preventing a pest problem is preferable to dealing with one which has already happened… yet if the issue already exists, there isn’t any way around it: all pest(s) must first be removed.

Wildlife and insects enter structures mainly to search for warmth, shelter, and food. Typically, the areas affected include the roof, the basement, and the attic. Homeowners might do some things to assist in ensuring they do not offer an environment that is appealing to pests – for instance, they may keep their areas uncluttered and clean, without easy places for hiding. Similarly, in the spaces outside your home, you may ensure you do not stack firewood or additional items close to the house, and keep all tree branches trimmed. You might seal up all obvious places in which pests may attempt to enter.

Professional pest control services like Janssen Pest Solutions are able to help a good deal in controlling and preventing pests, as well. We’re able to inspect the property to see if there are pests inside (occasionally it is difficult to know for certain, as a homeowner… we just suspect there might be pests as we hear noises even though occasionally we’ll see proof like feces). Our services may:

  • Discover where pests are getting into the premises
  • Handle all pests already inside the house (identification of the kind of pest is accomplished first)
  • Recommend whether there’s any damage caused by pests
  • Regularly spray to assist in preventing insects
  • Seal entry points off we do not have easy or ready accessibility to

Sometimes we use traps or bait, and we always use humane pest prevention and removal. If you have pets inside your home, let the technician know ahead of time, as some methods utilized are toxic to pets.

The objective of pest control includes basically removing any wildlife or insect from spaces in which people work or live. What kind of approach is utilized to manage pests is the option of the homeowner and also may be dictated by the circumstances themselves. Humane techniques are becoming increasingly popular yet there might be circumstances where they won’t work. Regardless, the aim includes preventing (or minimizing) structural or additional damage that is caused by such pests, and decrease the risk of pests spreading diseases or illnesses to people.

Pest Control: Is it Safe for Households that have Pets and Children?

Households with pets and young children must be careful while handling pest control. Curiosity, as well as their small size, may make it a challenge to keep them out of spaces where they should not be. Is pest control safe? Absolutely, if precautions are taken to make sure the pets and children are safe. It’s arguably a lot safer to handle rodents than to permit them to continuously live inside the home, in which there’s a risk that contamination and diseases might be passed from rodents to domestic pets and humans.


They’re a common device used to extract rats, mice, and additional rodents from a house. When pets and young children are present, traps have to be placed in spaces which aren’t accessible to them – even though that may be a lot more difficult with younger children who are mobile and fast, and also especially with cats.

Using Bait

Even if there are regular foods being used, it isn’t a good idea for the food to be accessible to pets or children in case they eat it. The food might be spoiled or might be contaminated with rodents or their feces or urine. Keep in mind, as well, that even though peanut butter is a popular bait for rodents, some folks have fatal allergies to it. Ask your pest control expert what kind of bait they’ll be using.

Regardless of the steps taken, pets and children must continually be appropriately supervised.

Therefore, is pest control safe for homes that have pets and young children? If the correct precautions are put in place, the answer is yes. Pet owners and parents ought to feel free to ask any questions about treatment or plan for rodent removal. Do not be afraid to additionally ask for a demonstration or explanation of how the company has intentions to use a pet or child-proof traps. Ultimately, it’s better to extract rodents from the house in order for the home to be properly disinfected and cleaned (and if necessary, repaired). Rodent exclusion, as well as preventive pest control measures then, should be taken to keep all rodents out of your home.

Using Expert Pest Control Services

Using an expert pest control service such as Janssen Pest Solutions may offer peace of mind. We have the knowledge and experience to handle all sorts of situations, which include households that have pets and children. Most pet owners and parents feel safer handling pet-friendly, eco-friendly solutions. Our company specializes in humane pest control and has non-poison, non-toxic options for eliminating rodents from your home. Rodenticides or poisoned bait never should be used. Customers may ask to see the safety information for any items we propose to utilize in the home.

For more information on our pest control services contact Janssen Pest Solutions at 515-519-3447.